Minutes of the first AGM 11 October 2000

Meeting started at 8:20pm. 12 new members signed up. Current membership stands at 50.

Rachel Barton chaired the election of President which was won unopposed by Anthony Hill (nominated Poppy Llewellyn, seconded by Tracey Ryall)

Anthony then ran the remaining elections.

Maurice Kerr was elected Vice President unopposed (nominated by Simone Dole, seconded by M Simpson)

Leaf Binnie was elected Treasurer unopposed (nominated by Kerry Dann, seconded by Brent Wilson)

Poppy Llewellyn was elected Secretary unopposed (nominated by Leaf Binnie, seconded by Mike Dunn)

Five nominations were received for the remaining 3 committee places. As the constitution permits up to 3 extra people to be co-opted to the committee it was proposed by the president that all five be accepted onto the committee. This motion was passed unanimously. Committee members so elected were

Rodney Baker (nominated Rachel Barton seconded Sally Feinerman)

Patrick Fallon (nominated Brad Avery seconded Iris Weber)

Simone Dole (nominated Maurice Kerr seconded Michelle May)

Brad Avery (nominated Milne Simpson seconded Iris Weber)

Tracey Ryall (nominated Anthony Hill seconded Kerri Dann)

Meeting ended at 8:30pm with an announcement of a Bonus November screening of Sumo Do, Dumo Don’t, to be run in conjunction with the Japanese Embassy.